Irlen Syndrome is a specific type of perceptual problem.


Irlen Syndrome has a wide range of symptoms which may vary from person to person. These symptoms may be first noticed in childhood but affect people throughout their lives. These symptoms are effectively dealt with by the use of Irlen Spectral Filters, worn as glasses or contact lenses, following a thorough assessment and colour evaluation by a trained Irlen Diagnostician.

Irlen Syndrome can often go undiagnosed because:

  • it is not an obvious problem
  • it is not identified by standard visual and medical examinations or by educational and psychological assessments
  • sufferers think that the perceptual distortions that they experience are “normal”. They assume that everyone else perceives the page and the environment as they do and also experience the same physical discomfort.

For information about symptoms please refer to

If you have some of the symptoms of Irlen Syndrome then please do contact us without obligation and we’ll be happy to explore whether Irlen Syndrome may be affecting your quality of life. Ideally, you would have first completed the forms available on the check yourself out page so that we can initially assess whether you may need out assistance or not.